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Jocko's HeArt and Soul
In memory of Joaquin Fajardo

Shalva provides vital, life changing programming to 1,000 individuals with disabilities on a daily basis. And we can't do it without you!
Your commitment is building a better world, one changed life at a time.

Jocko's HeArt and Soul
In memory of Joaquin Fajardo

Shalva provides vital, life changing programming to 1,000 individuals with disabilities on a daily basis. And we can't do it without you!
Your commitment is building a better world, one changed life at a time.

1 I Want To Give

- Sponsor an art exhibition in an international community
- Sponsor a year of art therapy for children in Shalva's Inclusive Preschool
- Sponsor a month of Art Therapy
- Sponsor a collaborative project with Bezalel Academy of Art and Design
- Sponsor a day of the creative workshops for Shalva's adults
- Sponsor a week of Art Therapy

2 Personal Information

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